February 23, 2015
Posted by gimmeabreakman
Dog Walks Into Hospital To Find Owner Battling Cancer
米で話題に 飼い主が入院中の病院に犬が現れる(15/02/14) |
Watch my video to learn the vocabulary:
米 bei = Usually it means “rice” but in this case it refers to America
で de = at
話題 wadai = popular topic of conversation
に ni = indicates movement of st
飼い主 kainushi = owner
が ga = topic marker
入院中 nyuuinchuu = while hospitalized
の no = ’s
病院 byouin = hospital
犬 inu = dog
現れる arawareru = to appear
入院している nyuuinshiteiru = hospitalized
突然 totsuzen = suddenly
1匹 ippiki = 1 small animal
アメリカ amerika = America
話題になっています wadai ni natteimasu = has become the topic of conversation
アイオワ州 Aiowa Shuu = Iowa State
玄関 genkan = entrance way
から kara = from
入ってくる haitte kuru = come through
様子 yousu = appearance
を wo = indicates object of verb
防犯カメラ bouhan kamera = surveillance camera
とらえていました toraeteimashita = took
名前 namae = name
は wa = subject marker
シシィ Shishi = Sissy
には ni wa = indicates direction of st
女性 josei = woman
飼われている kawareteiru
家 ie = house
遠くtooku = far (adverb
離れていて hanareteite = far away
それまで sore made = until
一度も ichidomo = even one time
病院に = byouin ni = to the hospital
来た事がありませんでした kita koto ga arimasendeshita = have never come to
にもかかわらず nimokakawarazu = regardless
どうやって douyatte = how
たどり着くtadoritsuku = arrive somewhere after a struggle
関係者ら kankeishara = people concerned (Note: the “ら ra” for all practical purposes turns a single into a plural )
クビをかしげています kubi wo kashigeteimasu = inclining one’s head to the side
会いに来ようと思ってくれて ai ni koyou to omottekurete = thought of coming to meet
とてもうれしい totemo ureshii = very happy
と to = indicates st about to be said
話していました hanashiteimashita = talked, said