October 16, 2014
Posted by gimmeabreakman
First Snow on Fuji San
First watch this:
富士山で初冠雪を観測 平年より16日遅い冬の便り(14/10/16)
Then watch this:
First Snow on Fuji San
Here is the article & vocabulary:
富士山から冬の便りです。平年より2週間ほど遅く富士山の初冠雪が観測されました。 15日に関東で降った雨が、富士山では7合目付近から上で雪となりました。ふもとからも山頂付近が積雪で白くなっていることが確認され、甲府地方気象台は16日朝、富士山の初冠雪を発表しました。
富士山 Fujisan = Mt. Fuji
から kara = from
冬 fuyu = winter
の no = ’s
便り tayori = message, news
です desu = (polite copula) be (NOT really the “be” verb in English but often interchangable)
平年 heinen = average year
より yori = from, compared to
2週間 nishūkan = 2 weeks
ほど hodo = about
遅くosoku = late
初冠雪 hatsu kan setsu = first snowcap
が ga = Roughly speaking, “wa” is a topic marker, and “ga” is a subject marker.
観測されました kan soku sa re ma shi ta = was observed
15日 jū go nichi = the 15th
に ni = depending on context this mean “in” or “to” or “on”, in this case “”on
関東で kan tō de = in Kanto area
降った futta = rained
雨 ame = rain (noun)
7合目nana gō me = station(on mountains)
上 ue = top
で de = at
雪となりました。yuki to narimashita = it snowed
ふもと fumoto = base of a mountain (the kanji 麓 is rarely used)
からも karamo = even from
山頂付近 sanchō fukin = around the peak (山頂 sancho = peak)
積雪 sekisetsu = accumulated snow
白くなっている shirokunatteiru = become white
こと ko to = follow a verb to make a gerund. See the lesson at the bottom of the list by Tomoko desu!
確認され kaku nin sa re = short for 確認されました which mean “was confirmed”
甲府地方 kō fu chi hō = Kofu area
気象台 ki shō dai = meteorological observatory
は wa = Roughly speaking, “wa” is a topic marker, and “ga” is a subject marker.
16日朝 juuroku nichi asa = the morning of the 16th
を wo = indicates the direct object of a verb
発表しました。 happyō shi mashi ta = was announced
October 16, 2014
thanks ^_^
October 16, 2014
Cool break down on the piece Victor 😀 Thanks as always.
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