February 22, 2015
Posted by gimmeabreakman
The Lazy Olympics!
Watch the following video and listen for the vocabulary!
怠け者 namakemono = a lazy person
の no = ’s
世界一 sekai ichi = No. 1 in the world
決定 kettei = decided
オリンピック orinpikku = Olympics
開催 kaisai = to take place
2014年 nisenjuuyonen = 2014 (the year)
8月 hachi gatsu = August
初旬 shojun = 1st 10 days of a month
中旬 chuujun = middle 10 days of the month
下旬 gejun = last 10 days of the month
モンテネグロ montenegro = Montenegro
で de = at
行われた okonawareta = was conducted/performed
が ga = subject marker
で de = in
話題 wadai = what everyone is talking about
になっている = ni natteiru = to become
と to = indicates something said or quoted
ウェブR25 uebu aru nijuugo = I think this is someone’s Internet name
伝えています tsutaeteimasu = to convey st
この kono = this
は wa = topic marker
性別年齢に関わらず seibetsu nenrei ni kakawarazu = regardless of sex or age
誰でも nenrei = anyone
参加 san ka =participate
可能 kanou = possible
ただただ tadatada = stressor used to emphasize st, similar to “simply”
樫の木 kashi no ki = oak
陰 kage = shade
長時間 choujikan = a long time
だらだら daradara = sluggishly
寝そべり nesoberi = lie stretched out
続ける tsuzukeru = continue
こと = functions like adding ing to a verb, like a gerund
できた dekita = was done
選手 senshu = athlete
優勝 yuushou = winner, victorious
という to iu = called
大会 taikai = contest
です desu = (polite copula) be
明確な meikakuna = clear
ルール ruuru = rule
はないものの wa naimonono = emphatic way to say “there are no”
優勝者 yuushousha = winner
には ni wa = indicates direction of movement
およそ oyoso = aboutg
5万円 go man en = 50,000 yen
現金 genkin = cash
送られる okurareru = delivered
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