October 14, 2014
Posted by gimmeabreakman
Math Teacher Attacks DRUNK H.S. Girl – Vocabulary
The original video:
My video explaining that video:
From the the headline:
酩酊 mei tei = drunkenness, intoxication
神奈川 kanagawa = Kanagawa (Prefecture)
県立高校 ken ritsu kou kou = prefectural high school
数学 suu gaku = math
教師 kyou shi = teacher
容疑者 you gi sha = suspect
一昨日 ototoi= day before yesterday
横浜市 Yoko hama shi = Yokohama City
路上 ro jou = on the road
で de = at
酒に酔い sake ni yoi = drunk
抵抗できない teikou dekinai = unable to resist
状態 joutai = condition
別の高校 betsu no kou kou = different high school
に通う ni kayou = go to, commute
高3 kou san = 3rd year HS student
女子 jo shi = woman, girl
生徒 sei to = student
暴行 bou kou = assault
疑い utaga i = suspicion
持たれる mo ta re ru = to have
警察によりますと kei satsu ni yorimasu to = according to police
帰宅中 ki taku chuu = on the way home
電車内 den sha nai = in the train
目をつけて me wo tsukete = look at sb, have one’s eye on sb
しつこく声をかけ shi tsu ko ku koe wo kake = to persistently call to sb
電車をおりると densha wo oriru to = to get off the train
後を追って ago wo tote = to follow after sb
犯罪に及ぶ hankou ni oyobu = commit a crime
1 Trackbacks
October 14, 2014
犯罪に及ぶ hankou ni Oyobu.not hankou ni yobu.
I didnt mention it on your youtube channel but thanks for these interesting informations;D
October 14, 2014
Thanks! I just came back to fix that!
October 16, 2014
Yes, I somehow realized I had made a mistake on my bike ride home. I thought, “Did I write YOBU or OYOBU?” I figured, “Ah, no one’ll catch that mistake!” BUT YOU DID! Good job!
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