October 28, 2014
Posted by gimmeabreakman
Halloween in Japan (Jnews! Listening)
First watch this:
Then watch my video explaining it:
The vocabulary:
川崎市 Kawasakishi = Kawasaki City
では dewa = in
毎年 = maitoshi = every year
恒例 = kourei = routine
→毎年恒例 maitoshi kourei = annual
の no = ‘s
ハロウィーンパレード Harouiin pareido = Halloween parade
が ga = Roughly speaking, “wa” is a topic marker, and “ga” is a subject marker.
行われました okonawaremashita = held
沿道 endou = roadside
を wo = indicates the direct object of a verb, in this case “in”
埋め尽くす umetsukusu = fill out
人気映画 ninkieiga = popular movies
の no = ‘s
キャラクター kyarakutaa = characters
や ya = and etc.
ゾンビたち zonbitachi = zombies
子ども kodomo = children
から kara = from
大人 otona = adults
まで made = until
総勢 souzei = a total of
2500人 ni sen go hyaku nin = 2,500 people
思い思い omoiomoi = just as one likes/pleases
の no = ‘s
仮装 kasou = costume
を wo = indicate the direct object of a verb
して shite = doing (in this case “wearing”)
1.5kmのコース itten gokiro no kousu = a course of 1.5m
を wo = indicates the direct object of a verb
練り歩きました neriarukimashita = marched down
この kono = this
ハロウィーンパレードb harowiin pareido = parade
は wa = Roughly speaking, “wa” is a topic marker, and “ga” is a subject marker.
日本 Nippon = Japan/Japanese
最大級 sai dai kyuu = the biggest / the largest
の no = ‘s
規模 kibo = scale
だということで da to iu koto de
だ da = (a coupla) be
と to = ( quoting maker)
沿道 endou = roadside
には niwa = in
パレード pareido = parade
を wo (object marker)
一目 hitome = a look, a glance
見ようと miyouto = wanting to see
10万人以上 juumannin ijou = over 100,000 people
が ga (subject marker)
詰めかけました tsumekakemashita = packed/ crowded into
2 new vloggers! Ladies first:
March 25, 2015
These are really good refreshers for folks who have spent time in Japan! I was there in the late 80s and have been interested in brushing up. This looks like a great resource. Keep up the good work.
New York
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