May 1, 2013
Posted by gimmeabreakman
No Smoking 1: Reading Japanese Signs
No Smoking Sign-1: Japanese Street Signs-1
この周辺は kono shuuhen wa = around here
路上禁煙地区です。 ro jou kin en chi ku desu.
路上 rojou = on the street, 禁煙 kin en = no smoking, 地区 area
たばこを吸うと tabako wo suu to = if you smoke
たばこ tabako = tobacco, をwo=particle indicating action of verb, 吸うsuu = smoke, とto = if
過料 2,000円 karyou ni sen en = a fine or administrative penalty of 2,000 yen
Underneath the non smoking icon on the left: 禁煙 kin en = no smoking!
In the top right hand corner: 名古屋市 Nagoya shi = Nagoya city
May 2, 2013
wow thanks for doing this! It’s helpful and at the same time, pretty interesting to see what kind of signs are in Japan
May 2, 2013
Thanks for saying so! I’ve been meaning on doing this for a long time! I’ll be back tomorrow with another one!
August 30, 2013
could you recmnend a good FREE online site for learning Japanase?
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