May 19, 2013
Posted by gimmeabreakman
Don’t bother the other guests! (Reading Street Signs: 3)
1. 喫煙•飲食•居眠り等の
2. 他のお客さまにご迷惑となる行為は
3. ご遠慮ください。
1. kitsu en•in shoku•i nemuri nado no (等の can also be read in the more formal “tō no”)
2. hokano okyakusama ni gomeiwaku to naru kōi wa
3. go en ryo ku da sa i.
喫煙 kitsu en = smoking
飲食 in shoku = eating & drinking
居眠りi nemuri = snooze, doze
等 nado = et cetera (alternate reading: tō)
他の hokano = another
お客さま okyakusama = formal word for customer
に ni = to, for
ご迷惑 go mei waku = problem, trouble, inconvenience
となる to naru = that will become
行為 kōi = behaviour
は wa = remember that while this hiragana is usually pronounced HA, when it marks a subjective it is pronounced WA. Here it is a noun marker.
ご遠慮 go en ryo = refrain
ください kudasai = please
So a general translation would be: “Please refrain from smoking, eating, sleeping or doing anything else that disturbs the other guests.”
May 19, 2013
Its pretty interesting to see the different types of signs in Japan. Keep up the good work Vic!
From Singapore~
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